Accuris qMax™ Green quantitative PCR mix (qPCR mix): A sensitive, optimized 2X master mix with Hot Start Taq Polymerase that achieves consistent qPCR amplification at early cycle thresholds (Ct).
Amplified DNA is detected by means of an intercalating (i.e. dsDNA-binding) fluorescent green dye, qMax Green, which is similar to SYBR Green, but exhibits higher fluorescence and less PCR inhibition.
Uses genomic DNA (gDNA) or complimentary DNA (cDNA) as starting template for amplification of gene target of interest.
Using a PCR master mix makes reaction setup simpler and reduces the chances of contamination (e.g. less pipetting from more tubes). Also it keeps future reaction compositions more uniform to past reaction compositions (i.e. reactions setup the next day, for example, will be uniform to reactions setup the previous day because the reaction mix pipetted, the master mix, is the same).
qPCR, also known as Real-Time PCR, allows the user to amplify DNA by means of PCR and monitor the progression of amplification quantitatively, in real time. That is, qPCR allows the user to measure quantities of amplified target DNA, cycle by cycle.
qMax Green qPCR Mix comes as a 2X Master Mix that contains Accuris Hot Start Taq Polymerase, dNTPs, qMax Green dye and buffer that includes PCR enhancers.
Forward and reverse primers, template DNA and PCR grade water are to be acquired and added to the reaction mix by the user.
→Available with no, low or high levels of ROX (select in dropdown menu). ROX is a fluorescent, passive reference dye that is used to normalize the signal emitted from the reporter dye, qMax Green, during qPCR.
The fluorescent signal from the passive dye remains constant during qPCR, while the signal from the reporter dye changes as cycles progress. Real-Time PCR instruments have varying requirements for ROX levels.
Kit is compatible with standard and fast-cycling PCR protocols.
→Available in 20 (sample size), 100, 500 and 1,000 reactions sizes (select in dropdown menu). Reaction sizes are based on total reaction volumes of 20 uL.
Accuris catalog numbers:
No ROX: 20 rxns (PR2000-N-S), 100 rxns (PR2000-N-100), 500 rxns (PR2000-N-500), 1,000 rxns (PR2000-N-1000)
Low ROX: 20 rxns (PR2000-L-S), 100 rxns (PR2000-L-100), 500 rxns (PR2000-L-500), 1,000 rxns (PR2000-L-1000)
High ROX: 20 rxns (PR2000-H-S), 100 rxns (PR2000-H-100), 500 rxns (PR2000-H-500), 1,000 rxns (PR2000-H-1000)
Accuris qMax Green qPCR Mix Protocol.pdf
The following link to ThermoFisher Scientific provides a good understanding and overview of qPCR: Essentials of Real-Time PCR