Accuris Hot Start Taq Polymerase


Accuris Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (with no proofreading activity). Comes available as enzyme + buffer, separated, or in Master Mix form (with or without red DNA loading buffer).

SKU: TAQ0200 Categories: ,


Accuris Hot Start Taq Polymerase is a basic DNA polymerase with good solubility and DNA affinity, for use during standard PCR such as when genotyping mice.

Accuris Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase has a monoclonal antibody bound to it that prevents its enzymatic activity; this allows the user to set up Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) at room temperature without non-specific DNA amplification occurring.
Accuris Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase has no 3′ to 5′ exonuclease activity (i.e. no proofreading activity).
The monoclonal antibody is denatured (inactivated), and therefore polymerase activated, by running an initial thermocycler incubation for 1-2 minutes at 95°C.

Accuris Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase comes available as:

Taq Pol and 5X buffer (containing 15 mM MgCl2 and PCR enhancers), separated in two tubes:

  • 50 units sample size (5 U/uL), 10 uL Taq + buffer (Accuris cat # PR1000-HS-S)
  • 500 units (5 U/uL), 100 uL Taq + buffer (Accuris cat # PR1000-HS-500)
  • 1000 units (5 U/uL), 200 uL Taq + buffer (Accuris cat # PR1000-HS-1000)
  • 6000 units (5 U/uL), 1200 uL Taq + buffer (Accuris cat # PR1000-HS-6000)

2X Master Mix (containing 6 mM MgCl2, 2 mM dNTPs and PCR enhancers):

  • 5 reactions sample size (50 uL total rxn volume) / 10 reactions (25 uL total rxn volume), 125 uL (Accuris cat # PR1001-HS-S)
  • 200 reactions (50 uL total rxn volume) / 400 reactions (25 uL total rxn volume), 5 mL (Accuris cat # PR1001-HS-200)
  • 1000 reactions (50 uL total rxn volume) / 2000 reactions (25 uL total rxn volume), 25 mL (Accuris cat # PR1001-HS-1000)

2X Master Mix with red dye/DNA loading buffer (containing 6 mM MgCl2, 2 mM dNTPs, PCR enhancers and red dye; red dye DNA loading buffer visually aids the user during pipetting; density of buffer allows DNA sample to sink to the bottom of the agarose gel well):

  • 5 reactions sample size (50 uL total rxn volume) / 10 reactions (25 uL total rxn volume), 125 uL (Accuris cat # PR1001-HSR-S)
  • 200 reactions (50 uL total rxn volume) / 400 reactions (25 uL total rxn volume), 5 mL (Accuris cat # PR1001-HSR-200)
  • 1000 reactions (50 uL total rxn volume) / 2000 reactions (25 uL total rxn volume), 25 mL (Accuris cat # PR1001-HSR-1000)

Accuris Hot Start Taq Polymerase Protocol.pdf

Accuris Hot Start Taq Polymerase Master Mix Protocol.pdf

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Taq Pol and 5X buffer, 2X Master Mix, 2X Master Mix with red dye/DNA loading buffer

Select Volume

50 units (sample size), 500 units, 1000 units, 6000 units, 5 reactions (sample size), 200 reactions, 1000 reactions