Accuris One Step Reverse Transcription PCR kit (RT-PCR): Reverse-transcribes RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA), then uses cDNA as starting template for amplification of gene target of interest by means of standard PCR.
Two-step reaction (i.e. Reverse Transcription plus DNA Amplification) is performed in one reaction tube with a single reaction setup.
Amplified DNA is detected by agarose gel electrophoresis; RNA expression is examined by qualitative analysis.
Use as little as 1 pg total RNA (or 0.01 pg mRNA) template.
Accuris™ One Step RT-PCR Kit contains the following components:
- 2X One-Step Mix (buffer containing Accuris Hot Start Taq Polymerase, 2 mM dNTPs, 6 mM MgCl2 and PCR enhancers)
- 20X Reverse Transcriptase (an RNA-dependant DNA polymerase, derived from MMLV, and an RNase Inhibitor)
Available in 10 (sample size), 50 and 100 reaction sizes (select in dropdown menu). Reaction sizes are based on total reaction volumes of 50 uL.
Accuris cat # PR1100-S (10 rxn sample size), PR1100-50 (50 rxns), PR1100-100 (100 rxns)