Black 15 mL centrifuge tubes, opaque to protect light-sensitive samples.
Celltreat Scientific brand black 15 mL centrifuge tubes. Conical tubes are manufactured of high quality polypropylene, and black flat top caps of HDPE. 15 mL conical bottom tubes have a max Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF) of 12,000 x g and withstand temperatures ranging from -80°C up to 120°C.
Sterile. No graduations. Large white marking area. Non-transparent opaque centrifuge tubes protect samples from light.
Black conical tubes are packed in zip-close bags, 25 tubes/resealable bag. Available 100 tubes/case or 500 tubes/case. Select quantity in the drop down menu.
Money saving implementation to preserve light sensitive reagents in the lab, and perfect when working with fluorescent-stained cells during flow cytometry, for example.
Celltreat Cat #’s 229431 (100/case) & 229432 (500/case).