Molecular biology grade high resolution agarose for DNA fragments between 20 bp and 800 bp.
High resolution agarose is required when small nucleic acid fragments (e.g. 20-50 bp) or nucleic acid fragments very close in size (e.g. 250 bp & 270 bp) need to be resolved during nucleic acid electrophoresis. Benchmark Scientific Agarose HR has a melting point of 70°C, gelling temperature of 33°C and gel strength of 750 g/cm² (at 1.5%). It is considered PCR Grade.
Agarose HR has low EEO (electroendosmosis, ≤0.1), allowing for sharp DNA banding and high resolution. Organic solvent, DNase, RNase, and protease free.
100g each.
Benchmark Scientific Catalog # A1801-HR.
Possible cost saving replacement for Lonza MetaPhor™ Agarose (Cat # 50181, 50180 & 50184).