Molecular biology grade Agarose LE is for used for standard nucleic acid electrophoresis where recovery of DNA or RNA is not required and where small fragments (20-50 bp) need not be resolved.
Benchmark Scientific Agarose LE melts easily, runs DNA nicely and is priced very well.
Low EEO (electroendosmosis, ≤0.13), allowing for sharp DNA banding and high resolution. Organic solvent, DNase, RNase, and protease free.
Available in 25 g, 100 g and 500 g quantities and also easy to use tablets.
Benchmark Scientific catalog # A1705 (500 g), A1701 (100 g), A1700 (25 g).
Excellent cost saving alternative to Bio Rad Certified Molecular Biology Agarose (161-3102), BioExpress Genemate LE Agarose (E-3120-500) and Promega Agarose LE (V3125).